Pomme logo e-picure
Pain logo e-picure
Fromage logo e-picure
Poulet logo e-picure
Chocolat logo e-picure
Croissant logo e-picure
Poisson logo e-picure
Raisin logo e-picure

Maps of good addresses by community

Members of each community can recommend their favorite addresses, to promote the quality of a product from a business or a producer. These addresses are then displayed on a map, dedicated to a product, and the whole community can use it.

Côte de bœuf recommandation
Adresse recommandée carte e-picure

“ I bought a prime rib of beef from a new butcher’s shop, it was so good ! I can recommend the address in the community to share with foodies. “

Matériel pour pêche produit de la mer

Unique gourmet moments

“Gourmet moments” are to be sharing with your social friends and members of your communities. These tasting and gastronomic discoveries can be found in a gourmet news feed, with photos, friends and the place.

Moment gourmet e-picure produit mer

Taste and share

Explore and recommend

Exchange and discover

Specialized addresses nearby

You can find on the interactive maps of each community, recommendations from gourmets and establishments referenced by e-picure. Find a large choice of professionals at the service of the product.

Carte de référencement communauté de passion